Taking the advice of our guide, we visited the Egyptian museum in Cairo. In a back corner room of the museum, we found these statues and the headrests that were used by the Egyptians to sleep on.
The head was considered by ancient Egyptians to be the seat of life and they also believed that it should be preserved for continued existence after death.
A passage in the Book of the Dead ascribes the power of resurrection to the headrest. Some headrests are inscribed with objects which are identified with the air god Shu.
It seems that regardless of how ornate the headrests were, they would be quite uncomfortable to rest on, unless you had a head of extraordinary proportions!
We feel there is a link with the skulls we found in Mexico and Peru in as much as the official story seems to be distorted to hide something. But the fact remains . . . these artifacts are on display . . . only the explanation is hidden . . . why?